Maybelle Elvira Benjamin
F, #4561, b. 4 July 1883, d. 8 July 1963
Father* | Thaddeus Benjamin |
Mother* | Annette Dexel |
Maybelle Elvira Benjamin was born on Wednesday, 4 July 1883 at San Francisco, California, USA. She and William Herbert Watson, son of George Watson and Elizabeth Ann Ryan, were married. She appeared as household head on the census of 19 April 1910 at 3314 North 29'th St., Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington, USA. She was enumerated as: Watson, Maybelle E., head, female, white, age 24, divorced, one child born and living, born California, both parents born California, speaks English, milliner for retail, worker, worked 52 weeks, able to read and write, rents a house. There were 3 boarders living with her.. Herbert B. Watson also appeared in the household. She appeared on the census of Tuesday, 1 June 1915 in the household of William Herbert Watson at 1783 East 14'th Street, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York, USA. She was recorded as: Watson, Mable E., wife, white, female, born US, citizen, housework. She appeared on the census of Thursday, 8 January 1920 in the household of William Herbert Watson at 492 West 136'th Street, Manhattan, New York Co., New York, USA. She was entered as: Watson, Maybelle E., wife, female, white, age 34, married, able to read and write, born California, both parents born California, speaks English, assistant to dentist, wage worker. She appeared on the census of Monday, 1 June 1925 in the household of William Herbert Watson at 492 West 136'th Street, Manhattan, Queen's Co., New York, USA. She was listed as: Watson, Mable, wife, white, female, age 39, born US, citizen, housework.
Maybelle died on Monday, 8 July 1963 at the North Hudson Hospital, Union City, New Jersey, USA, at age 80 years and 4 days.

Maybelle died on Monday, 8 July 1963 at the North Hudson Hospital, Union City, New Jersey, USA, at age 80 years and 4 days.

Family | William Herbert Watson b. 10 Jan 1879, d. 9 Jan 1948 |
Child |