Mary Alice Ryan
F, #4128, b. 21 November 1876, d. 26 November 1917
Father* | Augustus Henry Ryan b. 5 Apr 1843, d. 24 Jan 1927 |
Mother* | Mary Boatman b. 15 May 1849, d. 2 Nov 1918 |
Mary Alice Ryan was born on Tuesday, 21 November 1876 at Pennsylvania, USA. She appeared on the census of Tuesday, 5 June 1900 in the household of Augustus Henry Ryan at Shrewsberry Twp., Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania, USA. She was recorded as: Ryan, Mary, daughter, white, female, born Nov 1876 in Pennsylvania, age 23, single, father born English Canada, mother born Pennsylvania, able to read, write and speak English. She and Francis Beeber Rynearson, son of Joseph Rynearson and Mary Gortner, were married. She appeared on the census of Friday, 15 April 1910 in the household of Augustus Henry Ryan at Shrewsberry Twp., Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania, USA. She was listed as: Rynearson, Mame, daughter, female, white, age 32, married once for 2 years, mother of 1 child, 1 child still living, born Pennsylvania, father born Canada, mother born Pennsylvania, speaks English, able to read and write.
Mary died on Monday, 26 November 1917 at Mill Creek, Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania, USA, at age 41 years and 5 days of a cerebral abscess.
Mary died on Monday, 26 November 1917 at Mill Creek, Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania, USA, at age 41 years and 5 days of a cerebral abscess.

Family | Francis Beeber Rynearson b. 4 Oct 1863, d. 3 Mar 1931 |
Child |