Matthew Wilson
M, #2587, b. 1822, d. 3 April 1861
Matthew Wilson was born in 1822 at Enlgand. He and Elizabeth Ann Hale, daughter of Loal Hale and Elizabeth Weller, were married. He appeared as household head on the census of 1861 at 115 Terauley Street, Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada. He was listed as: Matthew Wilson, stone cutter, born England, W. Methodist, 39 next birthday, male, married, male family member, one storey frame house with one family dwelling within. Elizabeth Ann Wilson also appeared in the household.
Matthew died on Wednesday, 3 April 1861 at Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada, at age 39 years of consumption. His remains were placed in the vault on April 5, 1861. He was buried on Monday, 15 April 1861 in Necropolis Cemetery, Section E, Plot 163 Gore, Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada. Elizabeth Ann Wilson was recorded as the owner of the burial plot. Reverend Mr. Fish performed the ceremony.

Matthew died on Wednesday, 3 April 1861 at Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada, at age 39 years of consumption. His remains were placed in the vault on April 5, 1861. He was buried on Monday, 15 April 1861 in Necropolis Cemetery, Section E, Plot 163 Gore, Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada. Elizabeth Ann Wilson was recorded as the owner of the burial plot. Reverend Mr. Fish performed the ceremony.

Family | Elizabeth Ann Hale b. 14 May 1829, d. 12 Dec 1908 |