Bessie Mae Martin
F, #2567, b. 10 May 1886, d. 14 January 1969
Bessie Mae Martin was born on Monday, 10 May 1886 at Minnesota, USA. She and Francis William Hale, son of Benjamin Rupert Hale and Margaret Elizabeth Wiley, were married by Reverend Louis E. Scholl on Saturday, 26 May 1917 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA. The licence was obtained and the ceremony preformed on the same day. W. M. Angel and Mrs. Edith M. Martin witnessed the marriage.
She appeared on the census of Monday, 12 January 1920 in the household of Francis William Hale at 1820 Boren Street, Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA. She is listed as: Hale, Bessie, wife, female, white, age 33, married, able to read and write, born Minnesota, both parents born Minnesota, speaks English, no occupation. She appeared as household head on the census of 16 April 1930 at 916, N 61'st Street, Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA. She is recorded as: Hale, Bessie M, head, renter, paying $25/month, female, white, age 43, married, aged 30 at first marriage, able to read and write, born Minnesota, both parents born Minnesota, speaks English, stenographer at a retail coal company, wage earner, was not at work the previous day. Wiley Langford Hale and Donald Earl Hale also appeared in the household. She and Francis William Hale were divorced on 10 June 1933 at Seattle, King Co., Washington, USA.
Bessie died on Tuesday, 14 January 1969 at Bothell, King Co., Washington, USA, at age 82 years, 8 months and 4 days.

Bessie died on Tuesday, 14 January 1969 at Bothell, King Co., Washington, USA, at age 82 years, 8 months and 4 days.

Family | Francis William Hale b. 25 Jun 1881, d. 4 Dec 1936 |
Children |