Priscilla Frances Hale
F, #212, b. 5 November 1903, d. 21 January 1969
Father* | Benjamin George Hale b. 5 Jul 1874, d. 25 Nov 1935 |
Mother* | Frances Emma Wyatt b. 12 Sep 1879, d. 3 Apr 1966 |
Priscilla Frances Hale was also known as Dot Warlow. She was born on Thursday, 5 November 1903 at Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada. She appeared on the census of Wednesday, 14 June 1911 in the household of Benjamin George Hale at 19 New Street, Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada. She is recorded as: Hale, Priscilla, female, daughter, single, born Nov 1903 in Ontario, age 7, of English origin, Canadian, Methodist, insured for $100 costing $4.80 per year, attended school for 9 months, able to read, write and speak English. She appeared on the census of June 1921 in the household of Benjamin George Hale at 19b New Street, Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada. She was enumerated as: Hale, Priscilia, daughter, female, single, age 17, born Ontario, both parents born England, Canadian, Irish, speaks English, does not speak French, Baptist, able to read and write. She and Edwin Charles Warlow, son of Samuel Warlow and Rosina Operchuk, were married by Methodist Minister Wesley G. Hunnisett on Tuesday, 16 December 1924 at Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada. She was 21, spinster, living at 19 New Street, Toronto, born in Toronto, Baptist. He was 28, widower, driver, living at 67 Princess Street, Toronto, born Toronto, Roman Catholic. They were both able to read and write. Nelson Clarence Howe and Mrs. (?) Limple witnessed the marriage.
Priscilla died on Tuesday, 21 January 1969 at Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada, at age 65 years, 2 months and 16 days.
She was buried on Thursday, 23 January 1969 in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada.

Priscilla died on Tuesday, 21 January 1969 at Toronto, York Co., Ontario, Canada, at age 65 years, 2 months and 16 days.

Family | Edwin Charles Warlow b. 25 Mar 1896, d. 3 Jun 1950 |
Children |